Professional Development Award

This award intends to provide opportunities for professional development to non-Tenure Track faculty members in the College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT) who may not have or have insufficient departmental funds for these types of activities. Examples of activities that may be funded are workshops, conferences, and membership to professional organizations. A maximum of $3,000 per faculty member and up to 5 awards across the College will be awarded per year. A faculty member can only receive one award per year.


  • Non-Tenure Track full-time faculty members in COEIT at the ranks of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Principal Lecturer and Professor of the Practice.
  • Adjunct faculty members in COEIT who have taught at least one class in the College for a minimum of three consecutive years.


  • Complete an application form including an itemized budget of expected expenses. If the request is for travel to a conference or workshop, the application should be submitted no later than two months before the event.
  • In order to receive the award, the faculty member will be asked to provide a plan for one of the following actions:
    • Demonstrate how participation in the Professional Development will impact teaching, service, or research (if applicable)
    • Demonstrate your participation in Faculty Development Center or ECEP events (i.e. volunteering to lead an event or discussion)
    • Offer a presentation or workshop to the College or the UMBC Community where efforts or lessons learned are shared
  • If the request is for Professional Organization membership, the faculty member should demonstrate involvement with the student chapter at UMBC (i.e. Faculty advisor or similar role) or provide a rationale on how the membership will impact their teaching or students in their classes directly.

Selection process:
A committee including non-Tenure Track faculty members from different departments in COEIT and members of ECEP and/or COEIT Dean’s Office will be formed to review applications and identify recipients of the awards. The committee will meet every month if applications have been submitted. The selection committee will be rotated every two years.

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