Guaranteed Admission

The Guaranteed Admission program identifies UMBC undergraduate students based on their undergraduate academic performance who are expected to graduate in the upcoming spring or summer terms and provides them with an offer of Guaranteed Admission for the upcoming fall term.

Only students in majors within College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT) departments are eligible for Guaranteed Admission to Master’s programs in COEIT departments. This program is intended to streamline the graduate admissions process for high performing students, thus enabling them to earn a graduate degree at UMBC to help them achieve their professional goals.

Selection Process:
Students are selected for Guaranteed Admission based on their academic performance.
Selected students receive an email from UMBC’s COEIT with notification about the program(s) for which they are eligible for Guaranteed Admission.

Application Process:
Students who would like to take advantage of the Guaranteed Admission must submit a UMBC graduate school application to the graduate program of choice. Students can only select one graduate program for Guaranteed Admission, even if they are eligible for multiple programs.

Note, students are not able to enroll in classes as a graduate student if they have not 1) applied, 2) received a formal letter of admission from The Graduate School at UMBC and 3) accepted the admission offer.

Application Requirements:
The following application components are NOT required** for Guaranteed Admission applications:

  • Letters of reference
  • Transcript
  • Personal statement
  • GRE scores (if applicable)

Application Fee Waiver Code:
‘Special Population Code’ to waive the $50 application fee is provided in the Guaranteed Admission email.

**Please note, some graduate programs offer funding for graduate students as a teaching assistant or research assistant. If you are interested in possible funding opportunities you should include ALL application materials requested by the graduate program in the application, even if they are not required for Guaranteed Admission.


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