Faculty Resources

Last updated 8/12/2024

The College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT) promotes diversity among all faculty members who support our academic programs and initiatives within the college. The variety of perspectives help us to enable our students and colleagues to participate as global thinkers, to respect diverse values and perspectives, and to reach beyond their immediate sphere to become leaders in their global community. Our strategic directions, goals, and performance measures are reflected in our vision and mission and align with our COEIT Strategic Plan.

The information and links shared on this page are meant to provide a quick glance at UMBC and COEIT resources you may use to answer questions and explore resources, guidance, and support. This list is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all available resources.

COEIT has designed a mentoring program to support tenure-track faculty as they embark on their journey at UMBC. In addition to identifying resources to guide them, new faculty members are also matched with a Mentor inside their department. The mentoring program is designed to help faculty members succeed and prosper as scholars, educators, and creators in an environment that nurtures growth as good citizens of the institution and the broader community.

The Office of the Provost offers new faculty orientation and mentoring opportunities. COEIT is a collaborative partner in several of these efforts to address and align strategic initiatives within the college such as the following:

  • The Eminent Scholar Mentoring Program is a faculty diversity initiative that connects newly-hired tenure-track assistant professors to a mentor to guide them through the two-year award duration.
  • The Launching Committee [PDF; login required] guides new faculty through end of the first year in key ares: 1) lab space, 2) funding, 3) lab personnel and hiring, 4) integration in the university, and 5) effective teaching.

These programs connect individual faculty members with mentoring partners to provide both parties with opportunities to develop their skills as researchers and educators broaden their professional opportunities with a goal to guide the new faculty member to attain promotion and tenure in the home department. Faculty workshops and activities are available throughout the year, workshops focused on teaching and research & creative scholarship. In addition, opportunities to participate in activities that support UMBC and department processes are available. Mentees and Mentors also participate in lunches and other get-togethers for guidance and support. In addition to the formal mentoring to guide Mentees through the third-year review process, additional Mentor partners may include faculty and professional colleagues and peers.

  • Launching Committee (Assistant Professors) [Google Doc; login required]
    Description: To provide the support and mentoring to help the new hire feel like a part of the community and be able to get up to speed with their research as quickly and effectively as possible.
  • Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
    Description: This group supports and encourages women STEM faculty through mentoring, development opportunities, policy development, advocacy, and educational programs.
  • Eminent Scholar Mentoring Program
    Description: This two-year formal mentoring program establishes a mentoring relationship between newly hired assistant professors and a prominent external researcher in their field.
  • NSF CAREER workshop
    Description: The workshop provides an overview of the CAREER program and discuss expectations, review criteria, and the panel review process. Some will share their experiences with navigating the CAREER proposal writing process.
  • Faculty Development Plans
    Description: The goal of UMBC’s Faculty Development Plans is to create a set of clearly defined expectations for tenure and promotion for all newly hired faculty at UMBC, and to establish a relationship with the Chair of the department during the earliest stages of the faculty member’s career.
  • Provost’s leadership workshops
    Description: The Office of the Provost offers three centralized mentorship programs to support faculty at transitional moments in their career.
    Description: The STRIDE committee is charged with providing peer education that supports the efforts of search committees, departments, and colleges to recruit, retain, and promote diverse faculty and foster more inclusive and equitable academic spaces for our faculty peers.
  • Faculty Success Program
    Description: Participants receive weekly coaching, support from a custom-matched small group of peers, and access to training modules designed to advance their career and improve work-life balance.
  • Professional society membership
    Description: IS dept funds one professional society membership (IEEE or ACM) for TT faculty.
  • CBEE JEDI committee
    Description: The goal of the committee is to assess and improve Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion competencies in the department.
  • UMBC Faculty CV format [PDF]
  • Professional development award for non-tenure faculty
    Description: This award provides opportunities for professional development to non-Tenure Track faculty members in the College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT) who have insufficient departmental funds for these types of activities.
  • Support materials through NCFDD
    Description: Participants receive weekly coaching, support from a custom-matched small group of peers, and access to training modules designed to advance their career and improve work-life balance.
  • Faculty Development Center workshops –ALIT
    Description: The Active Learning, Inquiry Teaching (ALIT) certificate program is designed to support faculty in adopting teaching approaches that foster the retention of students in STEM majors and support the development of their students as STEM professionals.
  • CBEE JEDI committee
    Description: The goal of the committee is to assess and improve JEDI competencies in the department.
  • UMBC Faculty CV format [PDF]
  • Support through NCFDD programs
    Description: Participants receive weekly coaching, support from a custom-matched small group of peers, and access to training modules designed to advance their career and improve work-life balance.
  • Workshop with Talent Learning & Organizational Development (Jill Wardell–unit at UMBC)
    Description: TheTalent Learning & OD encompasses training opportunities with a focus on providing innovative ways of embedding practical skills learning, and professional development.
  • CIRTL Teaching and learning workshops
    Description: As part of the CIRTL Network, UMBC is building training in STEM fields by providing access to courses, materials, and activities to help train grad students and postdocs in teaching while encouraging them to approach their education as research.
  • CBEE JEDI committee
    Description: The goal of the committee is to assess and improve Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion competencies in the department.
  • UMBC Faculty CV format [PDF]
  • FDC workshops
    The Faculty Development Center supports faculty and instructors in their teaching role at the University by providing a comprehensive program of services and resources.
    Description: The mission of the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee is to represent the interests of all adjunct faculty at UMBC.

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