Faculty Mentoring

Last updated 8/12/2024

The College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT) has designed a mentoring program to support tenure-track faculty as they embark on their journey at UMBC. In addition to identifying resources to guide them, new faculty members are also matched with a Mentor inside their department. The mentoring program is designed to help faculty members succeed and prosper as scholars, educators, and creators in an environment that nurtures growth as good citizens of the institution and the broader community.

The Office of the Provost offers new faculty orientation and mentoring opportunities. COEIT is a collaborative partner in several of these efforts to address and align strategic initiatives within the college such as the following:

  • The Eminent Scholar Mentoring Program is a tenure track faculty mentoring initiative that connects newly-hired tenure-track assistant professors to a mentor to guide them through the two-year award duration.
  • The Launching Committee [Login required] guides new tenure track faculty through the end of their first year in key areas: 1) lab space, 2) funding, 3) lab personnel and hiring, 4) integration in the university, and 5) effective teaching.

These programs connect individual tenuretrack faculty members with mentoring partners to provide both parties with opportunities to develop their skills as researchers and educators broaden their professional opportunities with a goal to guide the new faculty member to attain promotion and tenure in the home department. Faculty workshops and activities are available throughout the year, workshops focused on teaching and research & creative scholarship. In addition, opportunities to participate in activities that support UMBC and department processes are available. Mentees and Mentors also participate in lunches and other get-togethers for guidance and support. In addition to the formal mentoring to guide Mentees through the third-year review process, additional Mentor partners may include faculty and professional colleagues and peers.

Additional information including links to Faculty Support & Resources for all faculty are available on the COEIT website.

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