COEIT Support & Resources

Last updated 8/12/2024

The College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT) Dean’s Office is the central location for a range of affiliated departments, centers, initiatives, and resources that provide support and guidance to faculty, staff, and students. We are dedicated in our efforts to assist COEIT community members to serve you effectively. The Dean’s Office includes teams and roles that provide various types of academic support to students, alongside administration offices that assist faculty and staff with contracts, budgets, and resources for research and creative work.

Additional resources are available to COEIT community members, who may sign in with their UMBC username and password to access additional information and resources. [membership and login required]

The information and links shared on this page are meant to provide a quick glance at UMBC and COEIT resources you may use to answer questions and explore resources, guidance, and support. This list is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all available resources.

  • Faculty Resources (including resources for tenure/tenure track faculty, research faculty, and non-tenure track instructional faculty resources)
    **also includes faculty mentoring resources**
  • Student Resources (including resources for undergraduate and graduate student)
  • Other Resources (including resources for staff, K-12, UMBC community, and DEI and data collection efforts)

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