See what we did last year! The inaugural COEIT Research Day was held on April 19, 2024. Faculty and students showcased their research during four concurrent morning sessions or in the afternoon poster session. (Agenda 2024)
**Student Awards** are indicated by academic level and BOLD name indicates academic level of student talk and poster award winners.
COEIT Research Day Talks 2024
Tejas Gokhale | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Towards Robust Visual Understanding: from Recognition to Reasoning
Md Badrul Hasan, Meilin Yu, Heng Xiao, and Tim Oates | Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Sub-grid Scale Modeling of Meso-scale Hurricane Boundary Layer Flows using Machine Learning
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Seraj Al Mahmud Mostafa, Omar Faruque, Chenxi Wang, Jia Yue, Sanjay Purushotham, and Jianwu Wang | Information Systems
gWaveNet: Classification of Gravity Waves from Noisy Satellite Data using Custom Kernel Integrated Deep Learning Method
Houbing Song | Information Systems
From Data-Efficient Machine Learning to Neuro-symbolic AI
Sai Vallurupalli, Sayontan Ghosh, Katrin Erk, Niranjan Balasubramanian, and Francis Ferraro | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
POQue: Asking Participant-specific Outcome Questions for a Deeper Understanding of Complex Events
Roberto Yus, Jun Ma, Aamir Hamid, Christian Badalato, Sanaa Mironov, Hemanth Reddy Samidi, and Brian Scherzo | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Democratizing the IoT through Privacy-Preserving Data Management
Jorge Almodovar | Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
Polymeric biomaterials for tissue engineering, cell manufacturing, and drug delivery
Lee Blaney | Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
Collaborative opportunities to address the emerging concern of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in water
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Alexander G. Doan, Matthew S. Quintanilla, Jessica E. Schafer, Casey M. Douglas, Meredith E. Morse, Dela-Joshua K. Dayie, Kay T. Latt, Julianna C. Wasiuta, Steven D. Harris, and Mark R. Marten | Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
Crosstalk Between Aspergillus nidulans CWIS and SIN Pathways Under Cell Wall Stress
Vikash Kumar, Michael Tolosa, Xudong Ge, and Govind Rao | Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering | Center for Advanced Sensor Technology Reinventing Shake Flask Fermentation: The Breathable Flask
Surely Akiri, Kerrie Kephart, Maria Sanchez, Andrea Kleinsmith, and Cynthia Wagner | Information Systems
A Data-Informed, Multi-Domain Framework For Self-Reflection in Learning
Karen Chen (and students) | Information Systems
Multimodal Machine Learning and Analytics for Characterizing Parent-Child Interactions: Applications in Education and Social Works
Jamie Gurganus, Michael M. Malschützky, João Carlos Do Carmo Santos, Marc Zupan, and Abel Dias dos Santos | Engineering and Computing Education Program
How a Global Elective Engineering Class Impacts Engineering Students’ Global Efficacy
Foad Hamidi | Information Systems
Creating Ecosystems of Equitable Learning and Innovation
Anita Komlodi, Lee Boot, Ryan Zuber, Tristan King, Linda Dusman | Information Systems
Highlights of Interdisciplinary Research at the Imaging Research Center
Environment & Sustainability
Sudip Chakraborty, Vandana Janeja, and Maloy Kumar Devnath | Information Systems
A Data-Driven Approach to the Early Onset of Snow Melting Over the Sea Ice and Its Impacts on Ice Sheets
Dhandeep Challagundla and Riadul Islam | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Advancing Computational Efficiency Through Energy Recycling Compute-in-Memory
Upal Ghosh (and students) | Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
Overview of Research in Ghosh Lab and Translation of Environmental Technology into Practice
Christopher Hennigan | Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
Collaborative Research in Air Pollution and Data Science
Md Alomgeer Hussein, Zipporah Jones-Hamlin, Tartela Tabassum, Lu He, and Tera L. Reynolds | Information Systems
The Potential and Limitations of Using an Artificial Intelligence Tool to Provide Social Supports to Patients Accessing their Medical Records
Molly Y. Mollica | Mechanical Engineering
Connecting the (Black) Dots to Measure Platelet Forces
Dingyi Pei, Parthan Olikkal, Farshad Safavi, and Ramana Vinjamuri | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
A New NSF IUCRC Center: Building Reliable Advances and Innovations in Neurotechnologies
Ethan Bowers and Carlos Romero-Talamas | Mechanical Engineering
Design and Construction of a Dual Turn Density Bitter Magnet for Plasma and Dusty Plasma Experimentation
Natalija Marin, Seth Pree, Paul M. Bellan, Setthivoine You, and Carlos A. Romero-Talamas | Mechanical Engineering
Magnetic Compressor Nozzle Design for the ECLAIR Experiment and Testing of The Traveling Magnetic Mirror Compression Scheme
Paris R. von Lockette | Mechanical Engineering
The ElectroMagnetically Active Composites and Structure (e-MACS) Lab at UMBC
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Weidong Zhu and Ke Yuan | Mechanical Engineering
Novel Three-dimensional Continuous Scanning Laser Vibrometry for Vibration Measurement
Mathematical Foundations
Jhon Manuel Portella Delgado, and Ankit Goel | Mechanical Engineering
Computing Invariant Zeros of a Linear System Using State-Space Realization
Pradyoth Shandilya, Gregory Moille, Giuseppe D’Aguanno, Kartik Srinivasan, and Curtis R. Menyuk | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Studying Multi-Color Solitons using 3-Wave Equations
COEIT Research Day Posters
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Brandon Ables | Information Systems
An Autoethnographic Study of Using Peripheral Interaction to Enhance Research Dexterity
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Kirk Crawford, Jennifer Posada, Yetunde Okueso, Erin Higgins, Laura Lachin, and Foad Hamidi | Information Systems
Co-Designing a 3D-Printed Tactile Campus Map With Blind and Low-Vision University Students
**Master Student Award**
Md Fourkanul Islam and ASM Mobarak Hossain | Information Systems
Advancing Wheelchair Accessible Navigation through Crowd-Sourced Data: Development of the MyPath System and A Computational Model for Accessibility
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Marjory M. Pineda, Rohit Ramesh Asave, María López-Delgado, Ravi Kuber, and Foad Hamidi | Information Systems
Understanding How Community Programs Empower Blind and Low Vision Youth
Ajinkya Borle and Ameya Bhave | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Biclustering a Dataset Using Photonic Quantum Computing
**Bachelor Student Award**
Zhiyuan Chen and Leon Tang | Information Systems
A Survey of Deceptive Techniques in Mobile Autonomous Systems: Attacks and Defenses
Uzma Hasan and Md Osman Gani | Information Systems
Causal Discovery Using Knowledge-guided Score-based Search
Zahra Khanjani, Noshaba Nasir Bhali, Lavon Davis, Chloe Evered, James Foulds, Christine Mallinson, and Vandana Janeja | Information Systems
Automated Audio Linguistic Data Augmentation Designed for Anti Spoofing
Roy Prouty and Don Engel | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Using Transformers to Understand Stellar Spectra
Mahsa Radnejad, Khushdeep Kaur, Houbing Song, and Lei Zhang | Information Systems
Methods and tools to improve quantum software quality: a survey
Munshi Mahbubur Rahman, Shimei Pan, and James Foulds | Information Systems
A Unifying Human-Centered Fairness Framework
Priyanka Ranade and Anupam Joshi | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Knowledge-Embedded Narrative Construction From Open-Source Intelligence
Hao-Chen Wang, Meilin Yu, and Heng Xiao | Mechanical Engineering
First-Principle-Like Reinforcement Learning of Nonlinear Numerical Schemes for Conservation Laws
Alexander G. Doan, Casey M. Douglas, Jessica E. Schafer, Steven D. Harris, and Mark R. Marten | Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
Refining Morphological Models: Branching and Germination Rate Dynamics in Early Mycelial Growth
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Elias Gilotte, Chad Sundberg, Hasib Hasan, and Govind Rao | Center for Advanced Sensor Technology
Developing an Online ATP Sensor for Cell-free Protein Synthesis
**Doctorate Student Award**
Revati Kadolkar, Vikash Kumar, Venkatesh Srinivasan, Sanjeev Kumar Ujjain, Douglas Frey, and Govind Rao | Center for Advanced Sensor Technology
Development of a Novel Analytical Sensor Utilizing Ni-NTA and His-tag Affinity for At-Line Quantitative Analysis of Binding Proteins
**Bachelor Student Award**
Tithi Prajapati, Mike Tolosa, Venkatesh Srinivasan, and Govind Rao | Center for Advanced Sensor Technology
Affordable Hand-Held Portable Spectroscopy Technology for PAT Applications
**Bachelor Student Award**
Mesha Shajahan, Preety Ahuja, and Govind Rao | Center for Advanced Sensor Technology
Polymer-Carbon Composite for Wearable Transcutaneous CO₂ Sensor
Jamie R. Gurganus, Mark Berczynski, and Michael M. Malschützky | Engineering and Computing Education Program
Development and Impact of an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Certification Class
Paul Heiss and Don Engel | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
CHEAT-LESS: Cultivating Honesty through Ethical Application of Technology – A Framework for Learning Enhancement and Student Success
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Erin Higgins | Information Systems
An Ecosystem of Tech-rich Learning in Informal Community Settings
Kevin Lemus, Isabella Lopez, María López-Delgado, and Patricia Ordóñez | Information Systems
Empowering Underrepresented Undergraduates in Computing By Bridging the Digital Divide in Marginalized Communities
María López-Delgado and Patricia Ordóñez | Information Systems
Fostering Equity and Access in Makerspaces through Education for Empowerment and Social Mobility of Marginalized Communities
Mariel Maughan, Ravi Kuber, Swati Singh, Favour Sunday, and Sidas Saulynas | Information Systems
When the Student Becomes the Teacher: Educating Older Adults About Cybersecurity
Samin Semsar and Patricia Ordóñez | Information Systems
Enhancing Critical Care: Finding Patterns in a Multivariate Time Series Amalgam
Lydia Stamato and Foad Hamidi | Information Systems
Cultivating DNA Publics: Transdisciplinary Experimentation in a Community Science Space
Environment & Sustainability
Tolulope Ale, Vandana P. Janeja, and Nicole-Jeanne Schlegel | Information Systems
Enhanced Multivariate Anomaly Detection and Feature Attribution in Climate Data
Sahara Ali, Omar Faruque, Yiyi Huang, Md. Osman Gani, Aneesh Subramanian, Nicole-Jeanne Schlegel, and Jianwu Wang | Information Systems
Quantifying Causes of Arctic Amplification via Deep Learning based Time-series Causal Inference
**Doctorate Student Award**
Dhandeep Challagundla and Riadul Islam | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
ADC-less Resonant Time-Domain Compute In-Memory
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Maloy Kumar Devnath, Sudip Chakraborty, and Vandana P. Janeja | Information Systems
CMAD: Advancing Understanding of Anomalous Melt Events over the Antarctic Sea Ice
Omar Faruque, Sahara Ali, Xue Zheng, and Jianwu Wang | Information Systems
TS-CausalNN: Learning Temporal Causal Relations from Non-linear Non-stationary Time Series Data
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Amir Babaei Gharehbagh, Rose Taylor, Joy Kiguru, Alyssa M. Burns, Ann Marie G. Carlton, and Christopher J. Hennigan | Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
The Influence of Inorganic Salts on the Gas-aqueous Partitioning of Formic Acid and Acetic Acid
Emam Hossain, Devon Dunmire, Aneesh Subramanian, Md Osman Gani, Alison Banwell, and Brendan Myers | Information Systems
Causal Attention-based Time Series Classification of Supraglacial Lakes
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Chhaya Kulkarni, Bayu Adhi Tama, and Vandana Janeja | Information Systems
Integrating Spatiotemporal Anomaly Detection in Polar Ice Melt Analysis: A Graph Deviation Network Approach
Xingyan Li, Andrew M. Sayer, Ian T. Carroll, Xin Huang, and Jianwu Wang | Information Systems
MT-HCCAR: Multi-Task Deep Learning with Hierarchical Classification and Attention-based Regression for Cloud Property Retrieval
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Francis Ndikum Nji, Omar Faruque, Mostafa Cham, Xue Zheng, Vandana Janeja, and Jianwu Wang | Information Systems
Hybrid Ensemble Spectral Clustering (HESC): An Ensemble Clustering Approach for Multi-dimensional Spatiotemporal Data
Sai Rajesh Rapelli and Zhiyuan Chen | Information Systems
Real-time Prediction of Amine and Degradation Products Emission in Solvent-Based Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Using Deep Learning Technology
Akila Sampath, Vandana Janeja, and Jianwu Wang | Information Systems
Reasoning the Effect of Snow Ice on the Sea Ice Melt Using the Logical Neural Network
Naomi Tack, Nicholas Holschuh, Sharad Sharma, Rebecca Williams, and Don Engel | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Initial Development of a WebXR Platform for Ice Penetrating Radar Data, to Improve our Understanding of Polar Ice Sheets
Bayu Adhi Tama, Homayra Alam, and Jianwu Wang | Information Systems
Transforming Greenland Bed Topography: Prediction with Transformer Models
Bayu Adhi Tama, Sanjay Purushotham, and Vandana Janeja | Institute for Harnessing Data and Model Revolution in the Polar Regions
MorphoLayerTrace (MLT) for Englacial Ice Layers Annotation in Radargrams
Zahid Hassan Tushar, Adeleke Ademakinwa, Jianwu Wang, Zhibo Zhang, and Sanjay Purushotham | Information Systems
CLOUDUNET: Adapting Unet For Retrieving Cloud Properties
Amina El-Ashry and Foad Hamidi | Information Systems
Middle Eastern HCI: Current View and Development of the HCI Discipline in Academic Environments
Golnaz Moharrer and Andrea Kleinsmith | Information Systems
Investigating User Perspectives on Self-Expression Through Interactive Technologies to Support Self-Growth
Hasan Mahmud Prottoy, Serena G. Gyi, and Foad Hamidi | Information Systems
Transcending Transit Deserts: Participatory Design of Interactive Bicycling Activism Tools in an American City
Priya Rajasagi, Lee Boot, Tristan King, Ryan Zuber, Amy Tondreau, and Anita Komlodi | Information Systems
Sensemaking in Complex Multidata Immersive Analytics Systems
Jacob Rubinstein, Francis Ferraro, Cynthia Matuszek, and Don Engel | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
A Large Model’s Ability to Identify 3D Objects as a Function of Viewing Angle
Adam Baji, Leah Prince, Samin Semsar, and Patricia Ordóñez | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Multi-Sensorial Recommendation Systems
Subhankar Chattoraj and Karuna Pandey Joshi | Information Systems
ARMED: Automating Regulations of Medical Devices
**Doctorate Student Award**
Sancharee Hom Chowdhury, Lujie Karen Chen, Peter Hu, Neeraj Badjatia, and Jamie E. Podell | Information Systems
Distinct Trajectories of Sympathetic Hyperactivity Following Traumatic Brain Injury Predict in-Hospital Outcomes
**Doctorate Student Award**
Ommo Clark, Tera Reynolds, Emmanuel Ugwuabonyi, and Karuna Joshi | Information Systems
Exploring the Impact of Increased Health Information Accessibility in Cyberspace on Trust and Self-care Practices
Muhammad Hasan Ferdous and Md Osman Gani | Information Systems
Attention-based Causal Discovery from Autocorrelated and Non-Stationary Temporal Data
Tasnim Nishat Islam and Mohamed Younis | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Real-Time Stress Detection Through ECG and PPG Measurements
Rachael M. Kang, Siddharth Monga, Neel Bhesaniya, Mohammad Arshad, and Tera L. Reynolds | Information Systems
Technology Based Support for International Students to Improve US Health Insurance and Healthcare Literacy
Mohammad Saeid Anwar, Emon Dey, Anuradha Ravi, and Nirmalya Roy | Information Systems
HeteroEdge: Addressing Asymmetry in Heterogeneous Collaborative Autonomous Systems
Bharg Barot, Sumedh Kane, Sai Malkireddy, Satvik Racharla, Nathan Samson, Jason Chan, Fadlulah Omitogun, Jalen Brown, and Roberto Yus | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Lidar Occupancy Analysis and Detection System – LOADS
Kelvin Uzoma Echenim and Karuna Pande Joshi | Information Systems
IoT-Reg: A Comprehensive Knowledge Graph for Real-Time IoT Data Privacy Compliance
Indrajeet Ghosh, Kasthuri Jayarajah, Nicholas Waytowich, and Nirmalya Roy | Information Systems
Memento: Augmenting Memory using Practical Wearable-based Sensing during Navigation
**Honorable Mention Student Award**
Samudra Haque and Riadul Islam | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
SoC Managed RF Energy Harvesting and Time Signal System for Degradable CPS
Jumman Hossain, Abu-Zaher Faridee, Nirmalya Roy, Jade Freeman, Timothy Gregory, and Theron T. Trout | Information Systems
TopoNav: Topological Navigation for Efficient Exploration in Sparse Reward Environments
Rohith Kankipati, Ryan Robucci and Riadul Islam | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Adaptive Event-Vision to Enable Scaled Neural Network Computation
Shahmir Rizvi and Riadul Islam | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Time Synchronization-Based Electric Grid Attack Detection
Sayantan Bhattacharya | Mechanical Engineering
Image Cross-Correlation Based Uncertainty Estimation for Flow Measurement
**Bachelor Student Award**
Vaughan Hood and Tse-Huai Wu | Mechanical Engineering
Exploration of the Control and Capability of a Robotic Arm Gripper
Raonaqul Islam, Ishraq Md. Anjum, Curtis R. Menyuk, and Ergun Simsek | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Computational Analysis of 2D Materials based Phototransistors using Drift-diffusion Model
Linfeng Lyu and Weidong Zhu | Mechanical Engineering
Novel Edge Detection Methods for Image-based Tracking Continuous Scanning Laser Vibrometry with Application to Vibration Measurement of Rotating Wind Turbine Blades
Parham Oveissi and Ankit Goel | Mechanical Engineering
Retrospective Cost Attitude Filtering with Noisy Measurements and Unknown Gyro Bias
Jhon Manuel Portella Delgado and Ankit Goel | Mechanical Engineering
Adaptive Nonlinear Control of a Bicopter with Unknown Dynamics
Jhon Manuel Portella Delgado, Mohammad Mirtaba, and Ankit Goel | Mechanical Engineering
Adaptive Backstepping Control of a Bicopter in Pure Feedback Form with Dynamic Extension
Jhon Manuel Portella Delgado and August Phelps, Meilin Yu, and Ankit Goel | Mechanical Engineering
Adaptive Lift Regulation in Unknown and Unmeasured Gusts
Joey Sheppard, Ruey-Hung Chen, and Ronghui Ma | Mechanical Engineering
Ordered Porous Copper Structure by Ice-templating Process
Mei-Lian Vader, Marjory Pineda, and Ravi Kuber | Information Systems
Understanding the Work Practices of Blind and Low-Vision Assembly Line Workers
Kai Wisner and Meilin Yu | Mechanical Engineering
Vertical-Axis Turbine Performance Enhancement with Physics-informed Blade Pitch Control. Part I: Basic Principles and Proof of Concept with High-fidelity Numerical Simulation
Meilin Yu, John T. Hrynuk, David T. Booth, and Naresh Poudel | Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Freestream Turbulence Effects on Low Reynolds Number NACA 0012 Airfoil Laminar Separation Bubble and Lift Generation
Mathematical Foundations
**Doctorate Student Award**
Sanzida Akter, Pradyoth Shandilya, Logan Courtright, Giuseppe D’Aguanno, Thomas F. Carruthers, Omri Gat, and Curtis R. Menyuk | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
An Efficient Numerical Method for Modeling the Slower Changes in the Solutions of Stiff Differential Equations
Logan Courtright, Thomas F. Carruthers, Curtis R. Menyuk, Tanvir Mahmood, Sang-Yeon Cho, James P. Cahill, and Weimin Zhou | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Novel Notched Microresonator Design through Inverse Design Optimization