2024 — Call for Submissions

COEIT Research Day will provide a forum for faculty across all COEIT departments to showcase their research, exchange research ideas, and create new collaborations. The goal of the COEIT research day is to spark interdisciplinary research ideas through this forum.

This research day event will lead to a follow-up seed-funding activity to fund teams across departments to develop interdisciplinary projects. The seed funding will be initiated shortly after the research day so that faculty members will have an opportunity to make interdisciplinary connections across departments during the research day activities.

The call for contributions for the research day presentations and posters will accept submissions on a broad range of topics relevant to COEIT research themes. The submission is in the form of abstracts. Once we receive all abstracts the working group will form thematic parallel tracks for presentations and posters. We hope to accommodate several representative talks and as many participants in the poster session as possible to showcase all research strengths in the college.

When: 10 am – 3 pm, Friday April 19th

  • Department overviews, 10:00-10:30 am (hybrid – presenters in person)
  • Parallel tracks: Spotlight talks organized by themes, 10:30 am to 12 pm (hybrid – presenters in person)
  • Poster session and lunch 12-3 pm (in-person)

Faculty mentored student awards: Each talk or poster must have a faculty member as corresponding author. However, they may have student presenters and co-authors on posters or talks. We will select a few students to receive research awards, selected by a panel of the COEIT external advisory board members and COEIT faculty members.

Submission link and deadlines (Deadline by 11:59 pm, 3/14)

Who is eligible? Faculty (across all ranks and tracks) in all departments, units, research centers within COEIT are eligible to submit. Students and postdoctoral researchers may also submit with their COEIT faculty mentors. You are encouraged to include external collaborators as co-authors. Please note in these cases the corresponding author must be a COEIT faculty member.

Questions: Please contact the Research Day working group if you have any questions.

COEIT Research Day – Working Group
Dr. Vandana Janeja (COEIT)
Dr. Alan T. Sherman (Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering)
Dr. Jianwu Wang (Information Systems)
Dr. Claire Welty (Department of Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering)
Dr. Meilin Yu (Mechanical Engineering)

COEIT Research Day Dean’s Office Staff Support Group
Amy Heckhaus
Donique Lewis
Karen D. Mattingly
Emily Tien

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